With 3 operations, Glycerin Traders is growing and becoming more available for customers across the United States.
La Porte, Indiana
The centralized facility serves as Glycerin Traders headquarters and administrative offices. With the largest acreage of the four facilities, it provides us the with the opportunity to rent out industrial warehousing space. We currently operate a 12-railcar spur for transloading of feed ingredients like canola meal, DDG’s, corn gluten feed, and sodium bicarbonate – to the tune of 300+ cars a year. LaPorte also loads out ~30 tanker cars of vegetable oils and glycerin each year. Our goal for 2019 is to remodel our glycerin lines by moving the equipment inside and moving towards more automation.
Defiance, Ohio
With a focus on increasing methanol production, the Defiance facility runs 24/7, producing 225,000 gallons of processed glycerin, 100,000 gallons of reclaimed methanol & 105,000 gallons of fatty acids per month. On average the defiance plant sees roughly 135 trucks in and out each month. See the video for a typical day in Defiance.
Keokuk, Iowa
Starting in June of 2019, the Keokuk glycerin processing line was chosen with the goal of becoming the “go-to-guy” for raw glycerin coming out of the mid-south and the IL/MO/IA area. Processed glycerin can flow to local dairy farms as feed via truck and with access to rail via the KJRY railroad – coal mines in the East and West as an anti-freeze agent. The processed vegetable oils are being sold to nearby feed mills while the distilled methanol is sold back to nearby biodiesel plants to complete the recycling loop. GT anticipates producing 190,000 gallons of glycerin, 56,000 gallons of reclaimed methanol and 50,000 gallons of fats/oils per month. Also plans are in the making for a railcar trans-loading facility for other clients on the KJRY by September of 2019 for the loading and unloading of about 200 liquid tanker cars and hopper bottom railcars.
- GT accepts hard-to-handle totes & drums of solid glycerin. With our own tote heater, we can melt the product into a liquid that can be pumped & processed. A loading dock, forklift for off-loading & loading trucks are all available on site.
- Loading & unloading is available for incoming trucks and railcars of glycerin & fats/vegoils, as well as dry feed ingredients like canola meal, corn gluten feed, DDG’s & sodium bicarbonate.
- GT-LaPorte has been taking waste fruit jam from a nearby processing facility since early 2012. To date, we have picked up and sold over 18,000 tons of jam – primarily to dairy farms as a feed & sugar additive. We have also sold nearly 250,000 pounds of waste peanut butter for specialized animal needs.
- If you need to find a home for your raw glycerin or need help in selling your processed glycerin, feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable staff. We are always willing to help biodiesel plants find a home for their by-products. At the same time, we can help you get access to off-spec feedstock and reclaimed methanol.